Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Midterm Exam

Just a reminder: the midterm exam is Friday, November 9th. It's worth 15% of your overall grade, and will cover everything we've done in class so far:
  • Doing Philosophy
  • Understanding and Evaluating Arguments
  • Moral Skepticism vs. Moral Realism
  • Divine Command Theory
  • Natural Law Theory
  • Utilitarianism
  • Kant's Ethics
  • Virtue Ethics
  • Ethics of Care and Feminist Criticisms of Traditional Theories
You should be capable of briefly explaining each theory in your own words and briefly explaining the one or two criticisms of each theory that we discussed in class.  You also should be able to explain how to use each theory in ethical decision making--that is, explain what each theory would say we should do in some specific ethical dilemma outlined on the test.

The test is a mix of short-answer questions, argument evaluations, and essays. You'll have all 50 minutes of class to take it.

Fear and Loathing in Aristotle

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